UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration Class Reference


RFID configuration instances, used by startInventory(). Common configuration instances are provided.

Class Methods

static UgiRfidConfiguration ConfigWithInventoryType (InventoryTypes type)
 Create a configuration object from a pre-defined inventory type More...
static string GetNameForInventoryType (int inventoryType)
 Get the name for a pre-defined inventory type (unlocalized) More...


double InitialPowerLevel [get, set]
 Initial power level for running inventory, in dBm. The reader will start at this power level, but will vary down to minPowerLevel and up to maxPowerLevel More...
double MinPowerLevel [get, set]
 Minimum power level for running inventory, in dBm More...
double MaxPowerLevel [get, set]
 Maximum power level for running inventory, in dBm More...
int InitialQValue [get, set]
 Initial Q value to use when running inventory. The reader will start with this Q value, but will vary down to minQValue and up to maxQValue based on the number of tags in the environment. More...
int MinQValue [get, set]
 Minimum Q value to use when running inventory More...
int MaxQValue [get, set]
 Maximum Q value to use when running inventory More...
int Session [get, set]
 Session number to use when running inventory (0, 1, 2 or 3) More...
int RoundsWithNoFindsToToggleAB [get, set]
 Number of inventory rounds with no finds after which to toggle A/B (0 = never toggle) More...
int Sensitivity [get, set]
 Sensitivity level for running inventory, db More...
double PowerLevelWrite [get, set]
 Power level for writing tags, in dBm More...
int SensitivityWrite [get, set]
 Sensitivity level for writing tags, dB More...
bool SetListenBeforeTalk [get, set]
 true for reader to use this listen-before-talk setting, if allowed (default is false) More...
bool ListenBeforeTalk [get, set]
 true for reader to listen-before-talk (default is false) More...
int MaxRoundsPerSecond [get, set]
 Maximum number of inventory rounds per second (0 = no limit) More...
int MinTidBytes [get, set]
 Minimum number of TID memory bank bytes to return. If the TID memory size is known, set minTidBytes=maxTidBytes More...
int MaxTidBytes [get, set]
 Maximum number of TID memory bank bytes to return (0 = don't read TID). More...
int MinUserBytes [get, set]
 Minimum number of USER memory bank bytes to return. If the USER memory size is known, set minUserBytes=maxUserBytes More...
int MaxUserBytes [get, set]
 Maximum number of USER memory bank bytes to return (0 = don't read USER). More...
int MinReservedBytes [get, set]
 Minimum number of RESERVED memory bank bytes to return. If the RESERVED memory size is known, set minReservedBytes=maxReservedBytes More...
int MaxReservedBytes [get, set]
 Maximum number of RESERVED memory bank bytes to return (0 = don't read RESERVED). More...
byte [] SelectMask [get, set]
 Mask to use in SELECT before inventory round. If nil (the default) then no SELECT is done before each inventory More...
int SelectMaskBitLength [get, set]
 Length of the mask, in bits. If zero, then selectMask.length*8 is used More...
int SelectOffset [get, set]
 Bit offset for SELECT More...
MemoryBank SelectBank [get, set]
 Memory bank for SELECT More...
bool Continual [get, set]
 true to run inventory until stopped, NO to run inventory once (default is true) More...
bool ReportRssi [get, set]
 true for reader to report RSSI data (default is false) More...
bool DetailedPerReadData [get, set]
 true for reader to report detailed data for each read (default is false) More...
int DetailedPerReadNumReads [get, set]
 Number of words for reader to read every time the tags is read (0, 1, or 2) More...
MemoryBank DetailedPerReadMemoryBank1 [get, set]
 memory bank #1 to read for detailed per-
int DetailedPerReadWordOffset1 [get, set]
 word offset #1 to read for detailed per-
MemoryBank DetailedPerReadMemoryBank2 [get, set]
 memory bank #2 to read for detailed per-
int DetailedPerReadWordOffset2 [get, set]
 word offset #2 to read for detailed per-
bool ReportSubsequentFinds [get, set]
 true to report subsequent finds More...
bool ForceTari25 [get, set]
 true to force a Tari of 25uS (useful for some sensor tags) - requires firmware 1.10.4 or above More...
bool DelayAfterSelect [get, set]
 true to delay for 3ms after SELECT (useful for some sensor tags) - requires firmware 1.10.4 or above More...
bool SingleFindMode [get, set]
 true to use single find mode (find one tag only) - requires firmware 1.12.5 or above More...
bool SingleFindContinueInventory [get, set]
 true to stop inventory in singleFindMode after tag is found - requires firmware 1.12.5 or above More...
SingleFindRampPowerModes SingleFindRampPowerMode [get, set]
 If and how to ramp power from min to max in singleFindMode - requires firmware 1.12.5 or above More...
SoundTypes SoundType [get, set]
 Type of sounds to make when tags are found More...
double Volume [get, set]
 Volume level (0...1) More...
int HistoryIntervalMSec [get, set]
 Length of each history period (default is 500ms) More...
int HistoryDepth [get, set]
 Number of history periods (default is 20) More...
static double MinAllowablePowerLevel [get]
 Gets the minimum allowable power level (dBm) More...
static double MaxAllowablePowerLevel [get]
 Gets the maximum allowable power level (dBm) More...
static int MinAllowableQValue [get]
 Gets the minimum allowable Q value. More...
static int MaxAllowableQValue [get]
 Gets the maximum allowable Q value. More...
static int MaxAllowableRoundsWithNoFindsToToggleAB [get]
 Gets the maximum allowable value for roundsWithNoFindsToToggleAB More...
static int MaxAllowableMemoryBankBytes [get]
 Gets the maximum allowable value for maxTidBytes/maxReservedBytes/maxUserBytes More...
static int NumInventoryTypes [get]
 Gets the number of pre-defined inventory types More...


enum  SoundTypes { SoundTypes.None, SoundTypes.GeigerCounter, SoundTypes.FirstFind, SoundTypes.FirstFindAndLast }
 Sound types. More...
enum  MemoryBank { MemoryBank.Reserved, MemoryBank.Epc, MemoryBank.Tid, MemoryBank.User }
 References for the four RFID tag memory banks that can be written to More...
enum  SingleFindRampPowerModes { SingleFindRampPowerModes.NoRamp, SingleFindRampPowerModes.Slow, SingleFindRampPowerModes.Medium, SingleFindRampPowerModes.Fast }
 Values for singleFindRampPowerMode More...
enum  InventoryTypes {
  InventoryTypes.LocateDistance = 1, InventoryTypes.InventoryShortRange = 2, InventoryTypes.InventoryDistance = 3, InventoryTypes.LocateShortRange = 4,
  InventoryTypes.LocateVeryShortRange = 5, InventoryTypes.SingleFind = 6
 Pre-defined inventory types More...

Instance Method Documentation

◆ ConfigWithInventoryType()

static UgiRfidConfiguration UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.ConfigWithInventoryType ( InventoryTypes  type)

Create a configuration object from a pre-defined inventory type


◆ GetNameForInventoryType()

static string UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.GetNameForInventoryType ( int  inventoryType)

Get the name for a pre-defined inventory type (unlocalized)

inventoryTypeInventory type.

Property Documentation

◆ InitialPowerLevel

double UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.InitialPowerLevel

Initial power level for running inventory, in dBm. The reader will start at this power level, but will vary down to minPowerLevel and up to maxPowerLevel

The initial power level.

◆ MinPowerLevel

double UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MinPowerLevel

Minimum power level for running inventory, in dBm

The minimum power level.

◆ MaxPowerLevel

double UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxPowerLevel

Maximum power level for running inventory, in dBm

The max power level.

◆ InitialQValue

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.InitialQValue

Initial Q value to use when running inventory. The reader will start with this Q value, but will vary down to minQValue and up to maxQValue based on the number of tags in the environment.

The initial Q value.

◆ MinQValue

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MinQValue

Minimum Q value to use when running inventory

The minimum Q value.

◆ MaxQValue

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxQValue

Maximum Q value to use when running inventory

The max Q value.

◆ Session

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.Session

Session number to use when running inventory (0, 1, 2 or 3)

The session.

◆ RoundsWithNoFindsToToggleAB

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.RoundsWithNoFindsToToggleAB

Number of inventory rounds with no finds after which to toggle A/B (0 = never toggle)

The rounds with no finds to toggle A/B

◆ Sensitivity

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.Sensitivity

Sensitivity level for running inventory, db

The sensitivity.

◆ PowerLevelWrite

double UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.PowerLevelWrite

Power level for writing tags, in dBm

The power level write.

◆ SensitivityWrite

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SensitivityWrite

Sensitivity level for writing tags, dB

The sensitivity write.

◆ SetListenBeforeTalk

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SetListenBeforeTalk

true for reader to use this listen-before-talk setting, if allowed (default is false)

true if set listen before talk; otherwise, false.

◆ ListenBeforeTalk

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.ListenBeforeTalk

true for reader to listen-before-talk (default is false)

true if listen before talk; otherwise, false.

◆ MaxRoundsPerSecond

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxRoundsPerSecond

Maximum number of inventory rounds per second (0 = no limit)

The max rounds per second.

◆ MinTidBytes

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MinTidBytes

Minimum number of TID memory bank bytes to return. If the TID memory size is known, set minTidBytes=maxTidBytes

The minimum TID bytes.

◆ MaxTidBytes

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxTidBytes

Maximum number of TID memory bank bytes to return (0 = don't read TID).

The max TID bytes.

◆ MinUserBytes

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MinUserBytes

Minimum number of USER memory bank bytes to return. If the USER memory size is known, set minUserBytes=maxUserBytes

The minimum USER bytes.

◆ MaxUserBytes

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxUserBytes

Maximum number of USER memory bank bytes to return (0 = don't read USER).

The max USER bytes.

◆ MinReservedBytes

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MinReservedBytes

Minimum number of RESERVED memory bank bytes to return. If the RESERVED memory size is known, set minReservedBytes=maxReservedBytes

The minimum RESERVED bytes.

◆ MaxReservedBytes

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxReservedBytes

Maximum number of RESERVED memory bank bytes to return (0 = don't read RESERVED).

The max RESERVED bytes.

◆ SelectMask

byte [] UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SelectMask

Mask to use in SELECT before inventory round. If nil (the default) then no SELECT is done before each inventory

The select mask.

◆ SelectMaskBitLength

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SelectMaskBitLength

Length of the mask, in bits. If zero, then selectMask.length*8 is used

The length of the select mask bit.

◆ SelectOffset

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SelectOffset

Bit offset for SELECT

The select offset.

◆ SelectBank

MemoryBank UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SelectBank

Memory bank for SELECT

The select bank.

◆ Continual

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.Continual

true to run inventory until stopped, NO to run inventory once (default is true)

true if continual; otherwise, false.

◆ ReportRssi

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.ReportRssi

true for reader to report RSSI data (default is false)

true if report rssi; otherwise, false.

◆ DetailedPerReadData

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.DetailedPerReadData

true for reader to report detailed data for each read (default is false)

true if detailed per read data; otherwise, false.

◆ DetailedPerReadNumReads

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.DetailedPerReadNumReads

Number of words for reader to read every time the tags is read (0, 1, or 2)

The detailed per read number reads.

◆ DetailedPerReadMemoryBank1

MemoryBank UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.DetailedPerReadMemoryBank1

memory bank #1 to read for detailed per-read

The detailed per read memory bank1.

◆ DetailedPerReadWordOffset1

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.DetailedPerReadWordOffset1

word offset #1 to read for detailed per-read

The detailed per read word offset1.

◆ DetailedPerReadMemoryBank2

MemoryBank UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.DetailedPerReadMemoryBank2

memory bank #2 to read for detailed per-read

The detailed per read memory bank2.

◆ DetailedPerReadWordOffset2

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.DetailedPerReadWordOffset2

word offset #2 to read for detailed per-read

The detailed per read word offset2.

◆ ReportSubsequentFinds

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.ReportSubsequentFinds

true to report subsequent finds

true if report subsequent finds; otherwise, false.

◆ ForceTari25

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.ForceTari25

true to force a Tari of 25uS (useful for some sensor tags) - requires firmware 1.10.4 or above

true if force-tari-25; otherwise, false.

◆ DelayAfterSelect

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.DelayAfterSelect

true to delay for 3ms after SELECT (useful for some sensor tags) - requires firmware 1.10.4 or above

true if delay-after-select; otherwise, false.

◆ SingleFindMode

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SingleFindMode

true to use single find mode (find one tag only) - requires firmware 1.12.5 or above

true if single-find-mode; otherwise, false.

◆ SingleFindContinueInventory

bool UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SingleFindContinueInventory

true to stop inventory in singleFindMode after tag is found - requires firmware 1.12.5 or above

true if single-find-continue-inventory; otherwise, false.

◆ SingleFindRampPowerMode

SingleFindRampPowerModes UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SingleFindRampPowerMode

If and how to ramp power from min to max in singleFindMode - requires firmware 1.12.5 or above

ramp mode

◆ SoundType

SoundTypes UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.SoundType

Type of sounds to make when tags are found

The type of the sound.

◆ Volume

double UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.Volume

Volume level (0...1)

The volume.

◆ HistoryIntervalMSec

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.HistoryIntervalMSec

Length of each history period (default is 500ms)

The history interval M sec.

◆ HistoryDepth

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.HistoryDepth

Number of history periods (default is 20)

The history depth.

◆ MinAllowablePowerLevel

double UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MinAllowablePowerLevel

Gets the minimum allowable power level (dBm)

The minimum allowable power level (dBm)

◆ MaxAllowablePowerLevel

double UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxAllowablePowerLevel

Gets the maximum allowable power level (dBm)

The maximum allowable power level (dBm)

◆ MinAllowableQValue

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MinAllowableQValue

Gets the minimum allowable Q value.

The minimum allowable Q value.

◆ MaxAllowableQValue

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxAllowableQValue

Gets the maximum allowable Q value.

The maximum allowable Q value.

◆ MaxAllowableRoundsWithNoFindsToToggleAB

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxAllowableRoundsWithNoFindsToToggleAB

Gets the maximum allowable value for roundsWithNoFindsToToggleAB

The maximum allowable value for roundsWithNoFindsToToggleAB

◆ MaxAllowableMemoryBankBytes

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.MaxAllowableMemoryBankBytes

Gets the maximum allowable value for maxTidBytes/maxReservedBytes/maxUserBytes

The maximum allowable value for maxTidBytes/maxReservedBytes/maxUserBytes

◆ NumInventoryTypes

int UGrokItApi.UgiRfidConfiguration.NumInventoryTypes

Gets the number of pre-defined inventory types

The number of pre-defined inventory types

Enumeration Documentation

◆ SoundTypes

Sound types.


Make no sounds


Geiger counter sounds when epc(s) are found


Found-item sound once when epc is first found


Found-item sound once when epc is first found and special sound for last tag

◆ MemoryBank

References for the four RFID tag memory banks that can be written to


Gen2 RESERVED memory bank


Gen2 EPC memory bank


Gen2 TID memory bank


Gen2 USER memory bank

◆ SingleFindRampPowerModes

Values for singleFindRampPowerMode


Do not ramp power (normal power setting)


Ramp power slowly (250 rounds from lowest to highest, about 4 seconds)


Ramp power medium (125 rounds from lowest to highest, about 2 seconds)


Ramp power quickly (50 rounds from lowest to highest, about 1 second)

◆ InventoryTypes

Pre-defined inventory types


locate at a distance


inventory (count) at short range, especially in dense environments


inventory (count) at a distance


locate at a short range


locate at very short range


Find a single tag